Virtual Tax Return Preparation
Storoszko & Associates has over 15 years of professional experience in the areas of Canadian Personal and Corporate Income Tax preparation.
Virtual Tax Return Preparation was originally created in order to assist individuals with the preparation of their personal income tax returns. Basically, it was a home-based, professional tax return preparation firm, offering clients personal service, "be it at their home or mine". As time and technology progressed, an evolution to the Internet was realised and a "virtual tax shop" was created. Today, the company is focused primarily on the delivery of its personal and corporate tax return preparation services through this environment.
The advantages of this new medium are many. Services can be delivered via the Internet to all corners of the globe, with international clients as far away as Australia. Face to face, full service remains an option outside the tax season (during the months between May and October).
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How much does it cost to prepare and file a Canadian personal income tax return?
A: Basic tax returns start at $50.00. Please call or email to obtain an exact quote for your particular case.
Q: How does work flow between us?
A: Client can scan and email documents, send them by fax or mail them.
Q: What happens after I email, fax or mail you my documents?
A: You will be contacted by telephone and through email for further instructions and or clarifications. You will be
minutes away from completing the filing of your taxes. A PDF copy is forwarded by email with a hard copy to follow in the mail. Your tax return is electronically filed with CRA (if you so elect and are eligible to do so). Under optimum conditions, total turnaround time can be measured in minutes.